This course offers a chronological exploration of Ancient to Western architecture, analyzing intellectual, aesthetic, technological, political, and economic factors impacting building design, examining major historical and contemporary examples, and requiring students to conduct in-depth research on a significant building and its influential factors.
What I aimed to?
To enhance students' comprehension of architectural theory :
- intentions
- concepts
- patterns
- disciplines
- architectural language
- contextual relationships
To analyze key developments and post-independence Malaysian architecture :
- western history from ancient times to post-World War 2
To explore the history of architecture through a chronological survey
-Western developments from ancient times to the Enlightenment
- intellectual
- aesthetic
- technological
- political
- economic factors
What I experienced?
The face-to-face lectures are effectively delivered by the instructors, making the teaching engaging and the content both easy to comprehend and useful.
Facebook excelled in disseminating crucial announcements; I consistently received prompt notifications.
Locating lecture notes and project briefs on MyTimes is consistently convenient for me. I can always refer to it when needed.
Telegram serves as an excellent platform, allowing us to directly pose questions to our lecturers and tutors.
How are they?
Project & Badges
What I have learned?
Utilize suitable visual and verbal architectural terminology :
- building types
- building series
- historical periods
Illustrate the correct chronological order of historical periods and demonstrate their architectural representations
Explore the diverse factors
- shaping
- development
What I feel?
Studying architectural history and theory has been a profound and enlightening journey, providing a comprehensive exploration of structural evolution and the underlying principles shaping architecture. The course delved into the chronicles of architectural development from ancient times to contemporary practices, fostering a deeper appreciation for the interplay of intellectual, aesthetic, technological, political, and economic factors influencing design. The instructors delivered engaging lectures and accessible materials, facilitating an enjoyable and informative learning experience. Emphasis on critical analysis and research skills honed my ability to evaluate diverse architectural styles, fostering a deeper understanding of the socio-cultural context within which architecture evolves. Overall, the course has equipped me with a solid understanding of the past and a curiosity to contribute to the future of architectural discourse.