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Self - Exploration through Spaces [Sensory Space]



Architecture, beyond fulfilling aesthetic and human body requirements such as anthropometrics and ergonomics, must also cater to the desires of the human soul encompassing the mind, emotions, and will. Hence, architects are urged not only to create spaces that are aesthetically pleasing, functional, and purposeful but also to ponder whether these spaces are inspiring, poetic, or uplifting. The inquiry should extend to assessing if the architecture being crafted holds significance for the individuals it will accommodate.


Enhance the student's capacity to formulate and develop a conceptual narrative

Introduce and generate awareness of comprehending the dimensional requirements of the human body, encompassing anthropometrics and ergonomics

Investigate and apply fundamental design principles and terminologies

Incorporate the ability to consider both objective and subjective parameters in the design process, aiming to create a space that is simultaneously practical and poetic

Explore the impact of material selection and application on the sensory experience of space

Acquire the skill to choose and construct various study models, including sketch, concept, diagram, section, and development models


  • Re-interpret, re-examine, and re-explore model from Project 1

  • Study your selected materials’ characteristics, properties, construction techniques, and sensorial qualities

  • Develop test models, sketches and drawings

  • Exploded Axonometric, Orthographic Drawing, and Diagrams to illustrate ideas

  • Compose your drawings onto a presentation board

  • Present your idea execution verbally via drawings and model


  • Generate design concepts by exploring diverse sources and abstracting ideas.

  • Recognize essential architectural design elements and principles, applying them to craft an architectural composition showcasing effective space-making.

  • Connect the concepts of individual 'self' and the body to space, exploring their experiential qualities.

  • Develop a foundational understanding of materiality and detailing as tools to capture the experiential qualities of the design.

  • Exhibit proficient manual drawing and model-making skills to effectively represent and communicate the design.


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1.0 Discipline Specific Knowledge

6.0 Intrapersonal Skills

I've gained theoretical drawing skills, and I'm now able to apply them practically. While working on exploded axonometric drawings, I encountered challenges due to my limited knowledge of drawing in various directions. Through persistent research, I eventually discovered the correct method to execute these drawings accurately.

I handled the task autonomously, fostering self-reliance to meet the assignment deadline. When encountering challenges in certain sections, I took the opportunity to reflect on my past actions and learning experiences.


Making both a model and a presentation board for my final project has been quite a journey. It wasn't a walk in the park, and I found myself redoing things over and over again, but in the end, it taught me a lot about perseverance, time management, and problem-solving.

Let's talk about the model. Making it was no cakewalk. It required me to take my initial ideas and transform them into something tangible. The challenge was real. Each attempt felt like a puzzle, and I had to figure out how to piece everything together. Redoing became a constant companion. It wasn't a setback, though; it was a chance to make things better. Every tweak and adjustment was a step forward. It wasn't just about getting the physical model right; it was about getting my ideas right.

Then there was the presentation board – the visual storyteller of my project. This wasn't just about putting together a bunch of pictures; it was about creating a narrative. Making sure that every element on the board spoke about my design journey was tough. I had to keep rearranging, refining, and rethinking. It was like crafting a visual essay, and each section had to seamlessly connect to the next. It is a journey toward clarity and effective communication.

© 2024 by Belly Wong.

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